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Hello everyone and welcome to my humble blog! I will be doing different entries on different things, results of my spellworkings and more! Some things I will be making different pages for, others I will simply post here, usually small blurbs.

09.27.2024 : Ghosty Storytime! I'm remembering when I was young, I had a paranormal encounter that I didn't realize was weird until I got older. I was around the age of 5 and we were going to clean a friend's mother's house for about a week - she was sort of a hoarder, so it was going to take extra time to get everything done. The first day, I was sent outside to play alone while my mother and her crew of friends went to do their work. I wandered across the street to a building that looked as if it had burned down and had been vacant for some time. At least a few years.

When I went to investigate the house and played in there, I noticed a little girl. I can't remember her name, but I remember that she had blonde hair and pigtails and perhaps a blue overall dress. I spoke to her and we quickly made friends, our favorite thing to do was to play hide and go seek. She was incredibly sweet.

We played a lot over the next few days, and on the last day she told me her and her family died in a fire and I remember being very confused and sad, but I didn't speak up about it. I asked to play hide and go seek together again for what I didn't know was the last time. I covered my eyes and she ran, but I had this urge to cheat and watch and run after her while I counted. She ran behind the abandoned car that sat beside the house and I couldn't see her anymore. I looked everywhere I could to find her, but she was nowhere to be seen.

To this day I believe she was a child spirit who needed to tell her story to be moved on. She was so vivid to me, as if a regular person was standing in front of me. It was incredible.

09.21.2024 - current: My personal workings with "fictional" beings and pop culture witchcraft (wip)